Volume 6, Issue 1

J Forensic Sci Toxicol. 2024;6(1):1020. | Review Article | Open Access
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Studying the Toxicity of Herbal Supplement: Bodybuilding (Ashwagandha)

Swapneha and Ramani AV

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J Forensic Sci Toxicol. 2024;6(1):1019. | Review Article | Open Access
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Future of Forensic Microbiology

Kumari A and Singh A

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Volume 5, Issue 1

J Forensic Sci Toxicol. 2023;5(1):1018. | Research Article | Open Access
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Comparative Study of Age Estimation from Dentin Translucency and Coronal Pulp Cavity Index Using Digital Method

Neha K*, Shally G, Anubha G and Simranjit S

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