Aims and Scope


The Journal of Forensic Science and Toxicology is a multidisciplinary journal and covers all forensic and toxicology related specialities. Due to the broad international perspective and wide use of the forensic and toxicology knowledge in all clinical and medical aspects, criminal investigations of Forensic and toxicology and their related subspecialties the journal include following topics in its scope.Journal of
Forensic Science and Toxicology Journal of Forensic Science and Toxicology is an international, open access peer reviewed journal primarily focused on publishing reliable, original and complete information on topics of forensic investigation and discoveries.


  • Clinical toxicology
  • Criminology, profiling
  • DNA analysis
  • DNA fingerprinting
  • Drug and alcohol misuse
  • Forensic genetics
  • Forensic medicine
  • Forensic medicine national systems
  • Forensic toxicology
  • Mental health
  • Molecular toxicology

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