Nursing Studies and Practice International

Nursing Studies and Practice International

Nursing Studies and Practice International (ISSN 2835-6365) is a peer reviewed, open access journal serves as a forum for research in aspects such as nursing research, care, training, service delivery, practice, work flow management, advanced research methods relevant to professional nursing, midwives and other caring sciences.

Nursing Studies and Practice International

Nursing Studies and Practice International (ISSN 2835-6365) is a peer reviewed, open access journal serves as a forum for research in aspects such as nursing research, care, training, service delivery, practice, work flow management, advanced research methods relevant to professional nursing, midwives and other caring sciences.

Nursing Studies and Practice International publishes original peer-reviewed papers that meet international readership standards. Authors are invited to submit original research, reviews, mini reviews, case reports, short communication, etc.

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Nursing Studies and Practice International aspires to publish journals that are exciting to read, educate, and keep the audience updated on cutting edge research in the fields of science, technology, medicine, surgery, oncology and oral health.

Nurs Stud Pract Int | Volume 2, Issue 2 | 1011 | Open Access
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Sexual Dysfunction among Female Patients with Breast Cancer in Middle East: A Narrative Review

Mohamed Abdallah Mohamedand Leena Saifeldin Ali Taha

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Nurs Stud Pract Int | Volume 2, Issue 1 | 1010 | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Training of Detection in Cervical Cancer on the Character Readiness to be a Health Author

Saur Sariaty Pasaribu, Wiwin Widayani, Sri Wisnuwardani and Hotma Rumahorbo

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Nurs Stud Pract Int | Volume 2, Issue 1 | 1008 | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Sexual Experiences among Senior High Students at Selected Schools in Cape Coast Metropolis in Central Region of Ghana

Christiana Asiedu

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Nurs Stud Pract Int | Volume 2, Issue 1 | 1006 | Open Access
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Nursing Competency with Vascular Access Care among Hemodialysis Patients in Arab World: A Narrative Review

Mohamed Abdallah Abdelwahed Mohamed, Hassan Abuaisha and Mona Khojaly

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Nurs Stud Pract Int | Volume 1, Issue 1 | 1005 | Open Access
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Perceived Stress Levels of Physicians and Other Health Personnel Working in the 112 Emergency Service and Associated Factors

Nalan Gördeles Beşer and Bahar Çevik

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