Dermatology and Plastic Surgery journal’s primary task is to publish utmost quality articles on diagnosis, prevention, cure and treatment of skin diseases and related dermatology research which improves the medical resources for clinicians, surgeons and practitioners. Journal of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery is the platform to procure the latest information of clinical, precautionary, therapeutical and diagnostic up to date research updates in the field of dermatology and its sub-specialties. This journal also presents experimental works on treatments, and management of skin diseases and surgeries which improves the patient positive outcomes, as skin diseases differ greatly with symptoms and cruelty. This journal focuses on both major and minor disorders of skin, nails, hair and its diseases in medical, research and surgical aspects. This journal fulfills the needof researchers, surgeons, academicians, medical professionals and readers on advancements and evolution in their respective fields.The journal aims to be the best platform to dermatologists and surgeons to get the up to date and news of diagnosis, treatments and in the field. Journal of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery covers a broad scope in plastic surgery which includes microsurgery, aesthetic surgery, hand surgery, burns surgery, craniofacial surgery, pediatric plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, lower limb trauma etc, and also includes diseases such as skin cancer, acne, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, herpes zoster, scars, oral pemphigus vulgaris, etc. in dermatology field.
This journal welcomes all types of research articles, comprehensive review articles, editorials, commentaries, perspectives, case reports, clinical trials and experimental outcomes on all aspects of dermatology and plastic surgery for publishing. Remedy Publications uses editorial management system and follows strict double blind peer review process to ensure the quality standardsand to maintain best impact factor for the journal. Remedy Publications has stepped forward to promote the dermatology and plastic surgery research across the world through this journaland its publications.