World J Vasc Surg | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Case Series | Open Access
Bruna Stefane Sampaio de Freitas1 , Iapunira Catarina Sant’Anna Aragao2 , Felipe Matheus Sant’Anna Aragao2 , Osmar Max Gonçalves Neves3 , Wilson Barbosa Leao3 , Francisco Prado Reis1 and Jose Aderval Aragao1,4*
1 Department of Medicine, Tiradentes University (UNIT), Brazil 2 Department of Medicine, University Center of Volta Redonda (UNIFOA), Brazil 3 Department of Vascular Surgery, Charity Hospital Surgery Foundation, Brazil 4 Department of Morphology, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil
*Correspondance to: Jose Aderval Aragao
Fulltext PDFObjectives: Report the treatment of 5 cases of patients with paraganglionic carotid body tumors who underwent preoperative embolization and surgery. Case details and treatments performed: Five cases of patients with paraganglionary tumors were diagnosed and treated, with a mean age of 42 years. Most of them were female, with complaints of tumor in the lateral cervical region, pulsatile and painless, with no history of trauma and comorbidities. All patients underwent pre-embolization carotid angiography of the tumor, and then resection of the glomus tumor with preservation of the internal and external carotid arteries. After surgery, most patients developed dysphonia. Conclusion: The case studies show satisfactory results in carotid body tumor treatment with the association of preoperative embolization and surgical resection.
Carotid Body Tumor; Embolization therapeutic; Surgery; Head and neck neoplasms
Sampaio de Freitas BS, Sant’Anna Aragao IC, Sant’Anna Aragao FM, Gonçalves Neves OM, Leao WB, et al. Carotid Body Paraganglioma: Study of 5 Cases Submitted For Embolization and Surgery. World J Vasc Surg. 2019; 2(1): 1018.