World J Psychiatry Ment Health Res | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Shibin Wang1, Wenming Gu1*, Yuping Cao2, Hangxiao Zheng1, Lei Zhang1, Xiaoyun Guo1, Wenzhong Chen1* and Xingguang Luo3
1Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, China 2Department of Psychiatry, Central South University, The China National Clinical Research Center for Mental Health Disorders, National Technology Institute of Psychiatry, Key Laboratory of Psychiatry and Mental Health of Hunan Province, China 3Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, USA
*Correspondance to: Wenzhong Chen,Wenming Gu
Fulltext PDFObjective: To compare the clinical efficacy of penicillin and ceftriaxone sodium in the treatment of neurosyphilis with psychiatric symptoms. Methods: Fifty neurosyphilis with mental symptoms patients were randomly divided into penicillin group (4 million units, Q4 h) and ceftriaxone sodium group (1 g, Q12 h). The total treatment time was 14 and 15 days respectively. The Activity of Daily Living Scale (ADL), Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) were scored as the measurement of efficiency in living ability, mental symptoms and cognitive function. Result: There were no significant differences in ADL, MMSE and BPRS between the penicillin group and the ceftriaxone sodium treatment group (p>0.05). After treatment, the score of BPRS and ADL decreased from baseline, while MMSE scores increased from baseline, having a main time effect (F=31.098, F=26.342, F=79.916; p<0.05). Conclusion: Penicillin or ceftriaxone sodium are both effective in the aspect of mental symptoms, cognitive function and life ability among neurosyphilis with psychiatric symptoms patients.
Neurosyphilis; Psychiatric symptoms; Clinical efficacy; Penicillin; Ceftriaxone sodium
Wang S, Gu W, Cao Y, Zheng H, Zhang L, Guo X, et al. Comparison of the Clinical Efficacy of Penicillin and Ceftriaxone Sodium in the Treatment of Neurosyphilis with Psychiatric Symptoms. World J Psychiatry Ment Health Res. 2021; 5(1): 1030..