World J Breast Cancer Res | Volume 2, Issue 2 | Review Article | Open Access
Vargas-Hernandez VM1* and Aguilar VMV2
1Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hospital Juarez de México, Mexico
2Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Tlaxcala Women's Specialties Hospital, Mexico
*Correspondance to: Vargas-Hernandez VM
Fulltext PDFPhyllodes tumors were first reported in 1774 and in 1838, Johannes Müller defined this tumor as cystosarcoma phyllodes. Phyllodes tumors represent less than 0.5% of all malignant breast tumors; an average annual incidence rate of 2.1 per million women is phyllodes tumor occur almost exclusively in women, most occur at the average age 42 to 45 years of age (ranging from 10 to 82 years), classification Precise and reproducible is a challenge, due to the need to evaluate multiple histopathological parameters, which hinder its interpretation; but, they are classified pathologically as benign, borderline and malignant according to the number of mitosis. They are presented as smooth, multinodular, asymptomatic mass and are suspected for their rapid tumor growth, or typical appearance in breast imaging. The treatment is surgical and wide local excision is recommended, with surgical margin >1 cm. Conclusion: The Phyllodes tumor presents related challenges on histopathological diagnostic criteria, clinical behavior, preoperative diagnosis and correct management is important to avoid recurrences.
Phyllodes tumor; Benign tumor; Malignant tumor; Lumpectomy; Mastectomy; Survival
Vargas-Hernandez VM, Aguilar VMV. Phyllodes Tumors (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes): A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge. World J Breast Cancer Res. 2019; 2(2): 1016.