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Volume 2, Issue 1

World J Blood. 2020;2(1):1088. | Case Report | Open Access
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Orbital Compression Syndrome in Sickle Cell Disease

Riham Salim Alhenaki and Ali Omari

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World J Blood. 2020;2(1):1009. | Case Report | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Decrease of Blood Transfusion Needs in Knee Arthroplasty with Elastic Bandage

Renato Luiz Bevilacqua de Castro, Breno Pazinatto Antonio*, Gustavo Concon de Castro, Sandor Dosa Acras and Maria Fernanda Concon de Castro

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World J Blood. 2019;2(1):1007. | Research Article | Open Access
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Role of JAK2V617F Mutational Screening in Detecting Occult Myeloproliferative Neoplasms in Egyptian Patients with Budd-Chiari Syndrome

Iman M Omar, Botheina A Farweez, Mona Fathey A Elfattah, Ahmed Samir, Noha B Hassan and Esraa Mansour Hassan

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World J Blood. 2019;2(1):1006. | Case Report | Open Access
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A Bizarre Red Blood Cell Morphology Induced by Cryoglobulinemia in a Case of HCV and B-Non Hodgkin Lymphoma

Noha Bassiouny Hassan Mostafa

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