World J Blood | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Renato Luiz Bevilacqua de Castro, Breno Pazinatto Antonio*, Gustavo Concon de Castro, Sandor Dosa Acras and Maria Fernanda Concon de Castro
Center for Studies on Tissue Regeneration, Brazil
*Correspondance to: Breno Pazinatto Antonio
Fulltext PDFThe objective of this study is to analyze a postoperative technique after the total knee arthroplasty, by dressing the leg with an elastic strapping to decrease bleeding by compression, and the need for blood transfusion.
Between January 14, 2004 and July 31, 2007, 60 knees from 53 patients underwent surgeries. These surgeries involved 56 primary arthroplasties, seven bilateral arthroplasties and four revision arthroplasties. Follow-up was 35 (25-49) months. As far as gender, 46 were women and seven men. The patients’ ages ranged from 41 to 85 years old, with an average of 66 years. The parameters analyzed were the rates of hemoglobin and hematocrit, evaluated both, before operation and five days after surgery, clinical parameters occurring during hospitalization and complications such as significant bleeding, infection, and venous deep thrombosis.
Before surgery, hemoglobin rates were on average 13.9, ranging from 11.6 to 15.5, and hematocrit averaged 41, ranging from 36 to 47. In the postoperative, hemoglobin rates were 11.2 on average, varying from 7.8 to 14.8, and the hematocrit rates were 33.7, ranging from 23 to 44. Among the 56 patients who underwent knee arthroplasty, only one (1.9%) required blood transfusion. No
complications were observed in the study group.
The present study evaluated the elastic banding after total knee arthroplasty and showed a lower incidence of blood transfusion when compared to other research works. An elastic bandaging technique carried out after total knee arthroplasty has proven to be safe and complication free in the studied series.
Arthroplasty; Knee; Blood transfusion
de Castro RLB, Antonio BP, de Castro GC, Acras SD, de Castro MFC. Decrease of Blood Transfusion Needs in Knee Arthroplasty with Elastic Bandage. World J Blood. 2020;2(1):1009..