Surg Oncol Clin Pract J | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Madhumita Srivastava*, Sanjoy Chowdhury, Gaurav Vishal, Aaditya Markandey Sunil and Prakash Pandey
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bokaro General Hospital, India
*Correspondance to: Madhumita Srivastava
Fulltext PDFOral Verrucous carcinoma is a subtle variant of oral squamous cell carcinoma with some peculiar features. It is locally invasive and inching growth and rarely metastasises. Verrucous carcinoma rarely affects the tongue. Herein we report four cases of the same which were diagnosed and treated successfully at our tertiary care hospital.
Verrucous carcinoma; Tongue; Partial glossectomy; MRI
Srivastava M, Chowdhury S, Vishal G, Markandey Sunil A, Pandey P. Verrucous Carcinoma of Tongue: Four Reported Cases in Tertiary Hospital of Jharkhand. Surg Oncol Clin Pract J. 2020;3(1):1012..