J Surg Tech Proced | Volume 8, Issue 2 | Case Report | Open Access

An Unusual Complication of a Cholecystostomy

Fahey Niall*, Burvill Ashleigh and Thirunavukkarasu Palan

Department of Colon Surgery, St. John of God Midland, Ireland

*Correspondance to: Fahey Niall 

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Cholecystocutaneous Fistulas (CCF) are rarely seen in today’s practice. They have been documented as early as the 1600s but they were seen as a complication of acute cholecystitis at this time. Nowadays this is a rare occurrence due to easy access to imaging, antibiotics and surgery. This case also shows the alternative treatment options for a cholecystocutaneous fistula. Because our patient was too unwell and comorbid for a cholecystectomy, we had to rethink our management plan. A simple incision and drainage can treat the initial sepsis but it is unlikely to completely resolve the patient’s condition. The insertion of a new drain through the fistula treated her biliary sepsis successfully showing an alternative to the standard treatment of a cholecystectomy.


Cholecystostomy; cholecystitis; Surgery


Niall F, Ashleigh B, Palan T. An Unusual Complication of a Cholecystostomy. J Surg Tech Proced. 2024; 8(2): 1072..

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