J Respir Med Lung Dis | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Jeanne Kalongo Ngoy1, Micrette Ngalula1, Florent A-Zeng Tshibwid2, Olivier Mukuku3*, Léon
Kabamba Ngombe4 and Jean-Baptiste SZ Kakoma1,4
1Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Lubumbashi, Congo 2Centre Medical Specialized Deus Salva, Congo 3Institute Supérieur des Techniques Médicales, Congo 4Department of Public Health, University of Lubumbashi, Congo
*Correspondance to: Olivier Mukuku
Fulltext PDFIntroduction: Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) is a non-invasive and less expensive method which allows the clinician to have a fair appreciation of the adaptation of the female respiratory system to pregnancy and allows him to make a good development of respiratory pathologies. This study aims to demonstrate the association between age and anthropometric parameters and PEF in pregnant women. Methods: This is an analytical cross-sectional study that was conducted for 18 months and included 210 pregnant women. The data were analyzed with SPSS 20 software; the parametric comparison tests of 2 means and F of Fisher-Snedecor were used to assess the differences observed between the study parameters. The significance level was set at p<0.05. Results: Of the 210 pregnant women considered in the study, 104 (49.5%) were in the 2nd trimester and 106 (51.5%) in the 3rd trimester. Among the anthropometric parameters considered (BMI, Brachial perimeter, Abdominal perimeter, Weight and Height), only height had a statistically significant correlation with DEP (p=0.02). However, it should be noted that gestational age (p=0.03) and fundal uterine height (p=0.035) showed significant negative correlations with DEP. We did not find a correlation between age and PEF. Conclusion: To better appreciate the differences in correlation between the different parameters and the PEF in our environment compared to the results found elsewhere, studies in the general population and in pregnant women, including control groups, should be conducted.
Peak expiratory flow; Age; Anthropometric parameters; Pregnant
Ngoy JK, Ngalula M, A-Zeng Tshibwid F, Mukuku O, Ngombe LK, SZ Kakoma J-B. Peak Expiratory Flow: It’s Correlation with Age and Anthropometric Parameters in Healthy Pregnant Women in Lubumbashi. J Respir Med Lung Dis. 2020; 5(1): 1051.