J Respir Med Lung Dis | Volume 4, Issue 2 | Case Report | Open Access
Cuneyt Tetikkurt1*, Gulsum Karakas1 and Seza Tetikkurt2
1Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Istanbul Cerrahpasa University, Turkey
2Department of Pathology, Demiroglu Bilim University, Turkey
*Correspondance to: Cuneyt Tetikkurt
Fulltext PDFA 64 year old male was admitted for fever, sputum and fluctuating hoarseness over the last three weeks. Physical examination revealed rales and decreased breath sounds over the lower right lower lung zones. He was a smoker with a 30-pack year history. Serum biochemistry was normal except for leukocytosis and a high CRP value. PFTs revealed a mild obstructive defect. Chest X-ray showed a dense parenchymal infiltration with air bronchograms in the right lower zone. Axial CT image revealed pneumonic consolidation and atelectasis of the right lower lobe while sagittal CT image demonstrated a nodular opacity located at the left upper division and the lingula bronchus carena. Bronchoscopic examination disclosed a pink submucosal nodule over the left vocal cord, complete obstruction of the lower lobe orifice with submucal tumoral infiltration and another submucal nodule in the left secondary carena between the upper division and lingula bronchus. Pathologic examination of the lower lobe mass revealed squamous cell carcinoma of the lung while vocal cord and carenal nodule histopathology showed hamartoma. We present this case to reveal the presence of a vocal cord hamartoma which is an extremely rare finding. Our second aim was to report the simultaneous emergence of two hamartomas along with squamous carcinoma of the lung that has not been reported in the literature up to now.
Hamartoma; Lung cancer; Epidermoid carcinoma; Vocal cord
Tetikkurt C, Karakas G, Tetikkurt S. Synchronous Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma, Vocal Cord and Pulmonary Hamartoma. J Respir Med Lung Dis. 2019; 4(2): 1047.