J Hematol Mult Myeloma | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access
Anisha Yaji1*, Shesha Prasad R2, Usha Jambunath2, Rekha Jayram2 and Anuradha Pai2
1Department of Dentistry, Division of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Shri Krishna Sevashrama Hospital, India 2Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, The Oxford Dental College, India
*Correspondance to: Anisha Yaji
Fulltext PDFLymphoid tissues are distinguished anatomic structure in body responsible for host immune response. Malignancy of the lymphocyte cell line takes up about 14% of all head-neck malignancies. Due its manifestations resembling several non-malignant lesions of oral cavity oral malignant lymphomas are often misdiagnosed. The misdiagnosis may also result in diffusion of tumour when treated with invasive dental procedures. Hence this review was under taken to report the oral manifestations of lymphoid malignancies.
Yaji A, Shesha Prasad R, Jambunath U, Jayram R, Pai A. Lymphoid Malignancies: Oral Manifestation and Considerations. J Hematol Mult Myeloma. 2019; 4(1): 1022..