J Hematol Mult Myeloma | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Wronska M*, Golbari NM, D’Abreo N and Sticco K
Department of Medicine and Population Health, NYU School of Medicine, New York
Fulltext PDFIntroduction: Myeloid Sarcomas (MS) are rare neoplasm’s occurring at extramedullary sites. They are typically found in the setting of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) either concurrently or at relapse. Less often, they may be associated with other hematologic disorders such Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) or Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN). Rarely MS can present as an isolated leukemic tumor, without bone marrow involvement. The presentation of these isolated cases is greatly variable and can make diagnosis particularly challenging. Case
Presentation: A case report of a 79-year old patient with rare and rapidly evolving cutaneous presentation of isolated MS, without bone marrow involvement.
Discussion: This case identifies the potential for isolated MS to present as a cutaneous skin infiltration in the absence of AML, MDS or MPN. Given the rarity of this neoplasm and the wide variation in symptomology, it is prudent to be aware of aberrant presentations of isolated MS. This case highlights the need for physicians to consider MS in the differential diagnosis, even in the context of negative bone marrow, as early diagnosis and treatment with chemotherapy has been demonstrated to improve survival outcomes.
Isolated myeloid sarcoma; Cutaneous infiltration; Skin infiltration
Wronska M, Golbari NM, D’Abreo N, Sticco K. Cutaneous Myeloid Sarcoma.J Hematol Mult Myeloma. 2018;3(2):1016.