J Gynecol Oncol | Volume 5, Issue 2 | Research Article | Open Access
Chen D1, Li L1, Zhao YH1, Jiang LY1 and Jia J1,2*
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shanghai Jing'an District Central Hospital, China
2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Huashan Hospital Fudan University, China
Objective: To examine the incidence, severity and risk factors of physical dysfunction in breast cancer survivors in China. Methods: We collected the information on demographics and breast cancer treatments of breast cancer patients treated in the department of rehabilitation medicine of Jing’an District Central Hospital of Shanghai from January 2017 to December 2020. Results: A total of 138 subjects were included in the study. The incidence of lymphedema (65.9%) was significantly higher than that of pain (31.2%), shoulder ROM restriction (20.3%), Grip strength restriction (21.7%) and paresthesia (11.6%). Although the differences were not statistically significant, the incidences of almost all of these impairments were higher in the first 28 months after breast cancer diagnosis than in other time periods. Cancer type and radiotherapy may be risk factors for the occurrence of lymphedema (respectively OR=6.18, 95% CI 1.85-20.72, p=0.003; OR=0.28, 95% CI 0.13-0.61, p=0.001). Radiation therapy and delayed rehabilitation may also increase the severity of lymphedema (respectively p=0.003; OR=0.28, 95% CI 0.13-0.61, p=0.010). The occurrence of pain, shoulder ROM restriction, grip strength restriction and paresthesia may be related to brachial plexus injury after breast cancer treatment. Conclusion: The lack of professional medical resources for breast cancer rehabilitation and the incomplete referral system result in the delayed recovery of impairments that may occur in Chinese breast cancer survivors. This also prompts us to further investigate the actual rehabilitation needs of survivors and the specific barriers to rehabilitation in the following research.
Breast cancer survivors; Lymphedema; Pain; Peripheral neuropathy; Rehabilitation
Chen D, Li L, Zhao YH, Jiang LY, Jia J. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Physical Impairments in Chinese Post-Cancer Treated Breast Cancer Survivors: A 4 Years’ Cross-Sectional Study at a Single Center. J Gynecol Oncol. 2022; 5(2): 1078.