J Gynecol Oncol | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Masood Bokhari SH1, Ullah UN1, Akram W2*, Saeed S1 and Arshad M2
1Department of Entomology, Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture, Pakistan
2Department of Entomology, University of Agriculture, Pakistan
*Correspondance to: Waseem Akram
Fulltext PDFDensely populated cities in the world are facing serious health concerns vectored by insects and other arthropods. The same has been true for Multan, where Leishmaniasis has become a regularly reported disease. A total of 203 patients were reported from OPD of Civil Hospital, Multan in 2015. For the study, a cross sectional survey was conducted in Multan city. Total 496 householdrespondents were selected by using the simple random sampling technique. Respondents included 73.4%, 26.2% and 0.4% males, females and she-males, respectively, whose knowledge about the vector of the disease was very poor and only 2.4% told that the disease was vectored by an insect, but no one could tell the name (sand fly). The data so collected is thus considered of significant importance as it would be utilized in management programs against the disease and its vector sand fly.
KAP; Leishmaniasis; Local people; Multan; Sand fly
Masood Bokhari SH, Ullah UN, Akram W, Saeed S, Arshad M. Indigenous Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of People about Leishmaniasis and Its Vector Sand Fly (Phlebotominae: Psychodidae: Diptera) Living in an Urban Settlement in South Punjab, Pakistan. J Gynecol Oncol. 2022; 5(1): 1071.