J Clin Ophthalmol Eye Disord | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Premnath Raman, Shamsiya Naaz A, Mangala MN, Anuj Kumar Singal* and Deepa S
Department of Ophthalmology, JSS Medical College, India
*Correspondance to: Anuj Kumar Singal
Fulltext PDFAim: To compare the prevalence and severity of diabetic retinopathy in patients with glaucoma and compare it with patients without any evidence of glaucoma. Methods and Materials: In this retrospective observational study, a total of 70 diabetics with a history of diabetes since a minimum of ten years and under regular treatment presenting to the ophthalmology OPD were taken for the study. The right eye was taken into the study. These 70 eyes of 70 patients underwent detailed ophthalmic examination and the presence or absences of retinopathy (as per Modified Airlie House classification of diabetic retinopathy) as well as severity of retinopathy and glaucoma were noted. Results: Mean age of the patients was 60.39 ± 10 years. Males were predominant in the study. Among the 70 eyes, 38 eyes were diagnosed with glaucoma. The remaining 32 eyes did not show any signs of glaucoma. The mean duration of diabetes was similar in both glaucomatous and non-glaucomatous patients (12.2 vs. 12.7 yrs). Most patients (63%) with glaucoma had no retinopathy changes and none of these patients had severe retinopathy. On the other hand, most patients without any signs of glaucoma were found to have some retinopathy changes (72%) with nearly half of them having severe retinopathy changes. This was statistically highly significant (p<0.0001). The Intraocular pressure was found to be lower in patients with retinopathy changes. Conclusion: It was found that both Normal tension glaucoma and primary open angle glaucoma had a suppressive effect on both onset and progression of diabetic retinopathy.
Normal tension glaucoma; Primary open angle glaucoma; Diabetic retinopathy
Raman P, Naaz AS, Mangala MN, Singal AK, Deepa S. Effect of Glaucoma on Development of Diabetic Retinopathy in Long Standing Diabetics. J Clin Ophthalmol Eye Disord. 2021; 5(1): 1033.