J Clin Obstet Gynecol Infertil | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Abhinav Singh1*, Malika Singh2, Rohini Singh3 and RB Singh4
1Depatrment of Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, India 2Senior Resident GI Surgery, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, India 3Department of Dermatology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, India 4Department of Burns, Plastic Surgery and Hypospadias, VVFs Clinic, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, India
*Correspondance to: Abhinav Singh
Fulltext PDFPurpose: To provide emergent care to women with Uro-Genital Fistulas (UGFs) to minimize immediate and late fistula related disabilities and morbidities. Aims and Objective: Hospitalization of UGFs affected women on priority for early rehabilitation. Material and Methods: Since 1991 to 2017, the author had been operating such affected women and had laid down certain policy for timely, smooth and un-interrupted hospitalization, management less than one roof to provide vigilant and comprehensive care, thus minimizing fistula related disabilities and morbidities. This was based upon observations made out at different times from history and interrogation of patients, behavior of family members with hospitalized patients and the respect and status of patient in family after discharge. Observations: The observations were noted in confidence without disclosure among family members. Strict adherence and implementation of certain guidelines based upon these observations had improved the final outcome of management as a result of hospitalization and fistula repair on priority.
Prioritization; Rehabilitation; Uro-Genital Fistulas (UGFs); Female Uro-Genital fistulas (FUGFs); Hospitalization
Singh A, Singh M, Singh R, Singh RB. Prioritization in Management of Female Uro-Genital Fistulas (UGFs): How and Why?. J Clin Obstet Gynecol Infertil. 2021; 5(1): 1050..