J Clin Obstet Gynecol Infertil | Volume 2, Issue 2 | Review Article | Open Access
Heenry Luis Dávila Gómez1*, Zaskia Matos Rodríguez2 and Moraima López Ruiz3
1Specialist 2ndDegree in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Specialist 1st Degree of Family Medicine, Hospital General Educational Heroes of the Baire, Youth Island, Cuba
2Specialist 1stDegree in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hospital General Educational Heroes of the Baire, Youth Island, Cuba
3Nurse Specialist, Hospital General Docente “Héroes del Baire”, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba
*Correspondance to: Heenry Luis Dávila Gómez
Fulltext PDFDue to the general tendency of postponing the reproductive stage to superior ages and the effect that it has more than enough this phenomenon have the techniques of attended reproduction, the cancer coincidence and pregnancy is supposing an increment, as well as of its precursors lesions. It was carried out a prospective descriptive study to determine the statistical relationship between the progression of epithelial cervical lesions and clinical-epidemic factors of interest in the 131 pregnant assisted in the General Educational Hospital “Baire ‘Hero” during the period 2014-2017. 61% of the patients were 20-29 years of age old, 42% antecedent referred 1-2 childbirths y/o abortions, 74% use of intra-uterine devices, 37% precocious menarquia before 13 years of age, 32% began the sexual relationships before the 15 years and the negative cytology or with lesions of low degree it was present in 71% of the studied sample. The histology of CIN2+, lesion in cervical channel, +2 sexual couples in last 5 years, lesion >149 mm2 , persistent VPH infection, age smaller than 20 years, lesion in anterior lip or both lips and corners, cytology with HSIL/cancer, parity >1, abortions >2 and the first sexual relationship before 15 years of age showed significant statistical difference among the cases in that it was identified or non-progression of the epithelial lesions. The presence of CIN2+, lesion in cervical channel, lesion >149 mm2 , persistent IVPH and age smaller than 20 years meant a probability of progression of 93%.
Cancer; Pregnant; Progression
Gómez HLD, Rodríguez ZM, Ruiz ML. Progression Risk of Epithelial Lesions of Cervix in Pregnant, Youth Island, 2014-2017. J Clin Obstet Gynecol Infertil. 2018; 2(2): 1032.