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Volume 5, Issue 1

J Clin Nephrol Kidney Dis. 2020;5(1):1028. | Case Report | Open Access
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Analysis of RNA Transcripts by the Molecular Microscope Diagnostic System (MMDx) Can Direct Management after Indication Kidney Transplant Biopsy

Christopher Lawrence, Sarah Fluck, Ananda Manoj, Meryl Griffiths and Sathiya Thiru

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J Clin Nephrol Kidney Dis. 2020;5(1):1027. | Research Article | Open Access
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CKD Outcomes after Nephron Sparing Surgery with Non-Ischemia vs. Radical Nephrectomy for Renal Cell Carcinoma

Katsunori Yoshida, Tatsuo Yoneda, Masaomi Kuwada, Syunta Hori and Kiyohide Fujimoto

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J Clin Nephrol Kidney Dis. 2020;5(1):1026. | Case Report | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Effective Rescue of High Dose Methotrexate-Induced Acute Kidney Injury Using Combined Extracorporeal Modalities in a Patient with Osteosarcoma

Jei-Wen Chang, Yii-Shiuan Lee, Giun-Yi Hung, Jen-Her Lu, Chin-Su Liu and Hsin-Lin Tsai

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J Clin Nephrol Kidney Dis. 2020;5(1):1025. | Short Communication | Open Access
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A Novel Concept May Explain How Immune Complexes Interact with Highly Cationic Histones Released by Activated Neutrophils Nets Act in Synergy with the Plethora of Neutrophils Pro-Inflammatory Agonists Leading to the Development of Autoimmune Nephritis -A Working Hypothesis

Ginsburg I1*, Koren E2 and Ido Ben Dov3

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