J Cancer Clin | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Martynov VL1*, Kolchin DG2, Rulev VN2, Trukhalev VA2 and Kurilov VA2
1Department of Medical Sciences, National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University Named after N.I. Lobachevsky (UNN), Russia 2Department of Surgery, City Clinical Hospital No. 12, Russia
*Correspondance to: Martynov Vladimir Leonidovich
Fulltext PDFUnderestimation of the development of reflux esophagitis after gastrectomy, the shortcomings of the Roux technique during the formation of esophagojejunostomy leads to a sharp deterioration in the quality of life of patients with the possible development of an oncological process in the esophagus. Creation of an areflux esophagojejunoanastomosis with the formation of a developed "plug" on the adductor and interintestinal anastomosis is the prevention of these pathological processes.
Gastrectomy; Areflux esophagojejuno-anastomosis; "Plug" on the adductor loop
Martynov VL, Kolchin DG, Rulev VN, Trukhalev VA, Kurilov VA. New in the Formation of Areflux Esophagojejunostomy after Gastrectomy. J Cancer Clin. 2021; 2(1): 1008..