Jpn J Cancer Oncol Res | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Mizanur Rahman M1*, Abul Ahsan2, Khadija Rahman3, Ferdousi Begum4, Anindita Paul4, Md Rassell4, Abu Khaled Md Iqbal4 and Hasan Shahrear Ahmed4
1Department of Surgery, Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Bangladesh 2Department of Medical Oncology, Shaheed Surwardy Medical College, Bangladesh 3Department of Surgical Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Bangladesh 4Department of Pathology, Bangabandhu Sk Mujib Medical University, Bangladesh
*Correspondance to: M Mizanur Rahman
Fulltext PDFBackground: Mastectomy affects the Quality of Life (QOL) in their life time for various reasons. This Study aimed to evaluate the short term impact of mastectomy on QOL along with some other oncological factors in breast cancer patients and made a comparison between administrations of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with no chemotherapy. Methods: Among the 250 patients six weeks after mastectomy, QOL was measured using the QOL Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) and QLQ-BR-23 as outpatient basis. For estimation of the oncological factors-age, economic status (monthly income), educational status, occupation and tumour status were taken. Two groups were made one with no neoadjuvant chemotherapy and another with chemotherapy to make a comparison. In the post chemotherapy category, a sub grouping was done in the pre mastectomy and post mastectomy patients to see their status in the oncological subgroup. Scoring done by supplied EORTC authority which was analyzed and statistically tested by student t test to see the performance among different subgroup of patients. Results: Average functional scale score showed patient receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy have lower scores in fields like Physical Functioning (PF2), Role Functioning (RF2), Emotional Functioning (EF), Cognitive Functioning (CF) and Social Functioning (SF). Among them, only physical functioning showed significant deterioration (p<0.05) in post chemotherapy group. Others didn’t have much impact. On the other hand, breast symptoms (BRBS, BRAS and BRBI) showed positive impact on the quality of life p<0.05 even in post chemotherapy group. There is also deterioration of the score of the quality of life in post chemotherapy group after mastectomy but doesn’t have significant impact on all domains. Conclusion: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy does not affect much the QOL during the phases of treatment. Younger and educated people need special attention to complete the treatment and to pass a healthy life in the society.
Breast cancer; Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy; Quality of life; Mastectomy
Mizanur Rahman M, Ahsan A, Rahman K, Begum F, Paul A, Md Rassell, et al. Impact of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on the Post Mastectomy Quality of Life in Bangladeshi Breast Cancer Patients. Jpn J Cancer Oncol Res. 2019; 2(1): 1007.