Int J Intern Emerg Med | Volume 5, Issue 2 | Research Article | Open Access
Djalogue L1*, Bessike Koissi Y2, Nemi KD3, Djagadjou KA3, Tchamdja T1, Balaka A4 and Djibril MA3
1Department of Internal Medicine, Kara University Hospital, Togo 2Department of Science and Technology, Kara University, Togo 3Department of Internal Medicine, CHU Sylvanus Olympio (Lomé), Togo 4Department of Internal Medicine, CHU Campus (Lomé), Togo
*Correspondance to: Djalogue Lihanimpo
Fulltext PDFIntroduction: Diabetes, a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, poses a major global health issue, including in Togo. Managing diabetes necessitates a comprehensive strategy encompassing lifestyle changes, medication compliance, and regular monitoring. To shed light on this matter, our study sought to evaluate the dietary habits and knowledge of diabetic patients in Togo, along with the obstacles they encounter in adhering to prescribed dietary guidelines. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among diabetic patients attending clinics in Togo. Demographic data, including age, gender, marital status, and educational level, were collected. Information on dietary habits, including meal frequency, food composition, and adherence to dietary restrictions, was obtained through structured questionnaires. Additionally, the patients' knowledge of diabetes and its management was assessed. Results: A total of 102 diabetic patients participated in the study, with a slight female predominance (54.96%). The mean age of the patients was 57 years, and the majority fell within the 51 to 60 age group. Most patients were married (79.4%) and had some level of education (82.4%). The duration of diabetes varied, with 65.7% of patients being diagnosed within the last 6 years. Regarding dietary habits, the majority of patients (70.2%) consumed meals from a common shared dish, while a smaller proportion (19%) had specially prepared meals due to their diabetes. Only a minority of patients (2%) measured their food portions before consumption. It was found that 76.5% of patients believed there were unrestricted foods they could consume without measurement, while 93% acknowledged the existence of strictly prohibited foods, such as sugary items. Conclusion: Successful diabetes management requires a balanced diet, exercise, and medication adherence. Our study revealed challenges in adhering to hygienic and dietary measures for many patients. Therapeutic education should be strengthened to address these challenges and improve diabetes care in Togo.
Djalogue L, Bessike Koissi Y, Nemi KD, Djagadjou KA, Tchamdja T, Balaka A, et al. Knowledge and Dietary Habits of Diabetic Patients in Hospital in Kara. Int J Intern Emerg Med. 2023; 5(2): 1051.