Int J Family Med Prim Care | Volume 1, Issue 3 | Review Article | Open Access

How Do We Catch COVID-19 Infected Person and Prevent them Spread?

Kadiyali M Srivatsa

NHS & Private Healthcare, UK

*Correspondance to: Kadiyali M Srivatsa 

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COVID-19 may have taken the world by surprise, but not me because I have visualized this coming for more than thirty years. I have meticulously observed the behavior of these microscopic enemies that threaten our very existence since 1989. My articles and publication explain the problem of “Superbugs (treatment of resistant bacterial and fungal infection) and not viruses because every year new strain of viruses spread killing thousands of people. I do not see COVID-19 as a major problem, because the number of people dying when compared to death due I have seen numerous viruses come and go but not the bacteria or fungus. Up to 650,000 deaths annually are associated with respiratory diseases from seasonal influenza, according to new estimates by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US￾CDC), the World Health Organization and global health partners. This marks an increase on the previous global estimate of 250,000-500,000, which dates from over ten years ago and covered all influenza-related deaths, (WHO, Dec 2017). In this article, I will explain how viruses spread and help bacteria use the opportunity to invade our body and make us adapt to survive or perish. Why and how did we land up in this situation, who is responsible and how can we bring in changes that can help us reduce the spread and make life better for people all over the world. We must understand what I mean by “Symbiotic Relationship” and learn to live with bacteria, viruses and fungus. Once you learn, how you can, I hope you will stop worrying about COVID-19, eliminate the fear death and live in peace and harmony with nature.


Covid-19; Covid; Corona Virus; Coronavirus disease 2019


Srivatsa KM. How Do We Catch COVID-19 Infected Person and Prevent them Spread?. Int J Fam Med Prim Care. 2020; 1(3): 1015.

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