Ann Surg Case Rep | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Milorad Paunović
University of Belgrade, Serbia
*Correspondance to: Milorad Paunović
Fulltext PDFThe finish line of this study was to determine the influence of hepatic disease, blood loss and using of corticosteroid therapy on the occurrence of dehiscence laparotomy. The minimum sum of squares clustering method is new method applied in medicine. We first collect data of 912 patients in hospital in Serbia, taking into account 3 their attributes. Among 912 patients, 39 of them had the occurrence of dehiscence laparotomy. We analyze the risk of taking surgery based on clustering patient in groups, taking into account the influence of hepatic disease, blood loss and using of corticosteroid therapy on the occurrence of dehiscence laparotomy. Dehiscence of laparotomy occurred in 4.3% of patients. In patients with perioperative blood loss there exist very significant correlation between dehiscence of laparotomy and this risk factor. In patients with hepatic diseases and in patients who using corticosteroids therapy, dehiscence of laparotomy is common. In this paper, for the first time, we present the minimum sum of squares clustering method in analyzing risk factors: the influence of hepatic diseases, blood loss and using of corticosteroids therapy on the occurrence of dehiscence of laparotomy. We show that the minimum sum-square modeling group is well suited for this research. Some hypotheses can be performed automatically.
Paunović M. The Clustering in Analyzing Effect of Hepatic Disease, Blood Loss and Using of Corticosteroid Therapy on the Occurrence of Dehiscence Laparotomy. Ann Surg Case Rep. 2019; 2(1): 1014.