Ann Surg Case Rep | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Stefanos Stefanou*, Christos Stefanou, Kostas Tepelenis, Thomas Tsiantis and Spyros G Koulas
Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Ioannina “G. Chatzikosta”, Greece
*Correspondance to: Stefanos Stefanou
Fulltext PDFIntroduction: The incidence of gastric cancer with synchronous second primary cancer ranges from 2.0% to 10.9%. If the last cancer is detected 6 months after the first diagnosis, it is called a metachronous cancer, if the cancer is detected within 6 months of the first diagnosis; it is called synchronus.
Case Report: A 75 years old male patient was admitted in the hospital with reported melaena stool. An endoscopy of upper and lower gastrointestinal tract was performed. The upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy revealed an abnormal mucosa at the stomach wall at the antrum prepyloric and the less curvature, with superficial ulcerations. Colonoscopy revealed a mass that caused concentric luminal narrowing at 25 cm from anus, which made it difficult promote the colonoscope to the rest of the colon. The surgical interventions that took place were a distal subtotal gastrectomy Billroth II, with jejunum-jejunum (Braun) anastomosis. At the colon a sigmoidectomy with end to end anastomosis with circular stapler was performed.
Conclusion: As the average life expectancy increases and screening of the population intensifies, the detection of synchronous cancers will increase. It is important to perform early gastroscopy and colonoscopy in patients with symptoms of upper and lower gastrointestinal tract diseases, considering also the age of gastric and colon cancer development.
Stefanou S, Stefanou C, Tepelenis K, Tsiantis T, Koulas SG. A Case Report of Synchronous Gastric and Colon Cancer. Ann Surg Case Rep. 2019; 2(1): 1010.