Ann Surg Case Rep | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access

Navigating Uncertainty: A Case Report of Simple Renal Cyst in an Infant

Nkika J1, Bowah C2, Tumain N2 and Ngowi N2*

1Department of Surgery, Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), Tanzania
2Department of Surgery, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania

*Correspondance to: Novath Ngowi 

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Introduction: Solitary Simple cysts are rare in children. They are usually asymptomatic, so they are incidentally detected by imaging performed for suspected urinary tract infection or for other reasons unrelated to the urinary tract. Case Report: We present a case of a 1-month-old male baby, who was referred from primary health facility, presented with history of abdominal distension for 3 days accompanied with vomiting and difficulty in passing stool. He was clinical stable with palpable left flank mass, where abdominal ultrasound done revealed intraabdominal anechoic mass with features more suggesting of mesenteric cyst. Explorative laparotomy was done, left renal cyst was found on the inferior pole, mobilization of the renal cyst, and then de roofing the cyst was done. Conclusion: Simple renal cysts in infants represent a rare entity with diverse clinical presentations and management considerations. Since surgical intervention may be warranted in cases of symptomatic cysts, requires high suspicious index for clinical diagnosis in newborns.


Simple renal cyst; Infant; Ultrasound


Nkika J, Bowah C, Tumain N, Ngowi N. Navigating Uncertainty: A Case Report of Simple Renal Cyst in an Infant. Ann Surg Case Rep. 2024; 7(1): 1087..

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