Ann Stem Cells Regen Med | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access

Stem Cells as a Target of Prophylactic Pharmacology

Yukio Yoneda*

Department of Prophylactic Pharmacology, Kanazawa University Venture Business Laboratory, Japan

*Correspondance to: Yukio Yoneda 

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Stem cells are primitive immature cells endowed to proliferate for replication along with differentiation to particular progeny cellular lineages. Pharmaceutical drugs have been used for improvements of different symptoms caused by consequential accumulation of a variety of dysfunctions of both tissues and organs composed of mature cells after differentiation in patients as the therapy and treatment with inevitable side effects. By contrast, prior alleviation of cellular dysfunctions seems more important and reasonable at the level of stem cells as a prophylactic strategy than the therapy after the onset of illness.


Yoneda Y. Stem Cells as a Target of Prophylactic Pharmacology. Annals Stem Cell Regenerat Med. 2018;1(1):1004.

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