Ann Radiat Ther Oncol | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access
Jarosław Choiński1, Jerzy Jastrzębski1*, Paweł J Napiorkowski1, Mateusz Sitarz1,2, Anna Stolarz1, Katarzyna Szkliniarz3, Agnieszka Trzcińska1, Jolanta Wojtkowska4 and Wiktor Zipper3
1Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland
2Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland
3Department of Nuclear Physics, Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Poland
4National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland
*Correspondance to: Jerzy Jastrzębski
Fulltext PDFThe various production routes of the prospective medical radioisotopes 43Sc, 44gSc, 44mSc, 47Sc, 44Ti/44gSc, 99mTc, 72Se/72As and 211At were investigated by a team from the Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw (HIL-UW), the University of Silesia (US) and the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCNR). Three cyclotrons were employed: the K=160 heavy-ion cyclotron with an internal 32 MeV alpha particle beam and the p/d PETtrace medical cyclotron at HIL and the C30 proton cyclotron at NCNR in Świerk, near Warsaw. The Thick Target Yields, activity at the End of Bombardment (EOB) and the impurities produced in addition to the main isotope are reported. The possible medical applications of these radioisotopes are briefly discussed.
Choiński J, Jastrzębski J, Napiorkowski PJ, Sitarz M, Stolarz A, Szkliniarz K, et al. Medical Radioisotopes Produced with Cyclotron Beams in Warsaw. Ann Radiat Ther Oncol. 2017; 1(1): 1005.