Ann Pharmacol Pharm | Volume 5, Issue 6 | Review Article | Open Access
Bernadette Dian Novita1*, Ferdinand Erwin2, Davin Raharja2 and Alyssa Claudia Valerie Gunawan2
1Department of Pharmacology and Therapy, Widya Mandala Catholic University, Indonesia
2Widya Mandala Catholic University, Indonesia
*Correspondance to: Bernadette Dian Novita
Fulltext PDFWorld Health Organization (WHO) on April 2020 stated that patient with both tuberculosis and COVID-19 may have poorer treatment outcomes. The COVID-19 and tuberculosis both primarily affect the lungs and show similar symptoms such as cough, fever, and severe lower track respiratory syndromes. Even the biological agents and incubation period from exposure to disease are different. Understanding the fundamental CD4+ T-cells exhaustion role in underlying the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 and tuberculosis is vital for the identification and rational design of effective therapies. Here, the perspective of how anti TNF and IL-6 antagonist agents could be the potential rational host directed therapy in tuberculosis and COVID-19.
Tuberculosis; COVID-19; Host directed therapy; CD4+; WHO
Novita BD, Erwin F, Raharja D, Gunawan ACV. The Potential Host Directed Therapy in Tuberculosis and COVID-19. Ann Pharmacol Pharm. 2020;5(6):1197..