Ann Nurs Primary Care | Volume 3, Issue 2 | Research Article | Open Access
Lauren Ellis* and Maria G Rosario-Sim
SUNY Downstate Health Science University, College of Nursing, USA
*Correspondance to: Lauren Ellis
Fulltext PDFBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected society on a local, national, and global level. New York City (NYC) experienced a coronavirus surge during COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine hesitancy exists. Determining barriers and facilitators of COVID-19 vaccination among faculty was imperative to improve vaccination rate. This quality improvement project was to determine a relationship between vaccination status and age among faculty that received at least one COVID-19 vaccine. Methods: A cross sectional survey design of faculty from a large public urban health science university in NYC. Thirty-five completed the 10-questions survey via Survey Monkey. The Social Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program analyzed the data. Results: Thirty-five participated in the study. Vaccination rate was 77.1% (n=27). Significant negative correlations were found between COVID-19 vaccination status and ager (35) = -0.409, p=0.015; factors impacting decision to vaccinate/not vaccinate against COVID-19 r(35) = -.393, p=0.020; and feeling pressure to take the COVID-19 vaccine r(35) = -0.578, p= <0.001. No significant correlations found between COVID-19 vaccination and gender, ethnicity, days of work in person, and vaccine brand. Conclusion: This study contributes to the knowledge about vaccination rate and factors that may be associated with vaccination among faculty. Findings can provide valuable information for developing effective vaccination programs. While results are useful to understanding factors that contributed to vaccination rates in a smaller subset of the faculty; generalizations of findings to other faculty groups from other universities in the urban settings may be less likely due to differences across subgroups.
Vaccination rate; COVID-19; Nursing; Health
Ellis L, Rosario-Sim MG. COVID-19 Vaccination Status has Relationships with Age, Trust and Workplace Pressure among Faculty. Ann Nurs Primary Care. 2022; 3(2): 1022.