Ann Med Med Res | Volume 6, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access

Effects of Various Pharmacotherapy on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Acute ARDS/ALI: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis

Kairui M1, Yulin Y2, Lijuan C1 and Yicheng L2*

1Neijiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,
2Neijiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China

*Correspondance to: Liu Yicheng 

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Objective: On account of the high fatality rate of ARDS/ALI, we performed a network metaanalysis to investigate the efficacy of various drugs (Low molecular weight heparin, Tanreqing, Glucocorticoid, Ulinastatin, Sivelestat sodium, Xuebijing) based on conventional treatment. Data sources: The literature search was mainly conducted in China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), WanFang Data, PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Google Academic, and Web of Science (SCI) from studies published up to November 2022 in which the partial pressure of arterial oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FIO2) ratio or mortality was assessed in patients with ARDS/ALI, who received different drugs on the base of conventional treatment. Study selection: Studies were screened according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Ultimately, a total of 51 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) were enrolled. 19 studies were included with mortality outcomes and 32 studies with oxygenation index outcomes. Data extraction: We assessed the studies for eligibility, extracted the data, pooled the data. The extracted data included basic study information such as author, year of publication, experimental design, patient (age and gender of the included patients), sample size, detailed treatment strategy, and clinical outcomes. Data synthesis: The clinical data of the oxygenation index and mortality were analyzed using Stata17.0, Stata13.0, and Review management 5.3 software. We used a Bayesian Random-effects model to combine direct comparisons with indirect evidence in Stata software. Conclusion: Low molecular weight heparin is a first rank in primary outcomes (oxygenation index), and Glucocorticoid obtains a first rank in secondary outcomes (mortality). In conclusion, based on conventional treatment, the combination of low molecular weight heparin and glucocorticoid may be a perforable treatment in ARDS/ALI. Low molecular weight heparin increased oxygenation index and reduced mortality in the first place compared with conventional treatment and Xuebijing.


Mortality; Oxygenation index; Pharmacotherapy; ARDS/ALI; Network metaanalysis


Kairui M, Yulin Y, Lijuan C, Yicheng L. Effects of Various Pharmacotherapy on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Acute ARDS/ALI: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Ann Med Medical Res. 2023; 6: 1068..

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