Ann Med Med Res | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Perspective | Open Access

Munich Urology, a Corner-Pillar of German Urology

A.G. Hofstetter

The Department of Urology, Germany

*Correspondance to: A.G. Hofstetter 

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A short overview is given about the history of one of the corner-pillar of German Urology, the Department of Urology at Munich, Thalkirchner Straße 48 during 1938 and 1983 under May, Schmiedt and Hofstetter.


History of german urology; Department of urology; Munich/Germany; Lasers in urology; ESWL; ISWL; Non gonogoccal urethra-adnexitis (mycoplasmas/chlamydials)


Hofstetter AG. Munich Urology, a Corner-Pillar of German Urology. Ann Med Medical Res. 2018; 1: 1004.

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