Ann Diabetes Res | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Qian SY*, Parlapiano C, Marley KA, Kyi M, Fourlanos S, Rosenthal M and Colman PG
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia
*Correspondance to: Sarah Yang Qian
Fulltext PDFAims: In patients with cancer, diabetes is associated with worse outcomes and prognosis. We undertook a retrospective audit for inpatients with both cancer and diabetes to identify the prevalence of dysglycaemia and patient characteristics. Methods: We identified all inpatient admissions with cancer and diabetes between October 2014 and October 2015 at a tertiary hospital. A subgroup of patients with dysglycaemia, as defined by the presence of hyperglycaemia and or hypoglycaemia, was further identified. Results: A total of 4583 admissions occurred with a diagnosis of cancer and 536 (11.6%) admissions had both cancer and diabetes. We identified 105 admissions for cancer and dysglycaemia; 96 of these were available for review. In this subgroup, the median age was 69 years (range 43 to 89). Most individuals had Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (96%) and 54% were insulin requiring. Bedside blood glucose was well documented (96%) but only 20% of patients had an HbA1c performed. The diabetes team were consulted in 22% cases. Eighteen (19%) patients died during the admission and infection was a cause of death in 10 cases (55.6%). Conclusion: This audit describes a group of inpatients with cancer and acute dysglycaemia. A standardised approach to managing diabetes for these patients may improve glycaemia and related adverse events.
Cancer; Diabetes; Hyperglycaemia; Acute Dysglycaemia; Inpatient Diabetes
Qian SY, Parlapiano C, Marley KA, Kyi M, Fourlanos S, Rosenthal M, et al. Acute Dysglycaemia in Patients Hospitalised with Cancer. Ann Diabetes Res. 2019;3(1):1010 .