Ann Community Med Public Health | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Zubia Zahid1, Rafique Ahmed Khan2 and Sidra Fahim3*
1Department of Health Management, Bahria University, Pakistan
2Derpartment of Management Sciences, Bahria University, Pakistan
3Department of Periodontology/Oral Medicine, Altamash Institute of Dental Medicine, Pakistan
*Correspondance to: Sidra Fahim
Fulltext PDFPurpose: The purpose of this research was to find out the waste management practices being carried out in Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi, UAE. Appropriate waste management practices are very important for the safety and well-being of all hospital staff, patients and also for a safe and healthy environment. Study
Design: Deductive approach was adopted whereby hypotheses were formulated followed by preparation of a research instrument i.e. a well-structured questionnaire for data collection. The study is explanatory is nature. Place and Duration of Study: This study was undertaken at Burjeel Hospital located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Waste handlers belonging to different departments were approached for obtaining their views. This is a cross-sectional study which was undertaken within two months in January to March 2018. Sample and
Methodology: Adopting convenience sampling technique, primary quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire, from a sample of 107 healthcare waste handlers belonging to different departments of Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi. The data were treated through statistical tools Pearson’s Correlation, Regression analysis and T-test with the help of SPSS, version 23.
Results: In case of ‘Waste Collection and Segregation’ beta value is 0.401 and p value is 0.000 (less than 0.01), which indicates that it is a useful estimator and creates a positive impact on Effective Waste Management. The p value of the second independent variable is 0.000 (0.01); it means that this variable creates a positive impact on Effective Waste Management which is not significant. Hence, ‘Waste Collection and Segregation’ and ‘Waste Handling and Storage’ are useful estimators of Effective Waste Management but ‘Waste Treatment and Disposal’ is not a useful estimator.
Conclusion: Data analysis has revealed that waste management practices are being carried out satisfactorily in different departments of Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi. Out of three variables mentioned above, only ‘Waste treatment and disposal’ is not significantly contributing towards Effective Waste Management; hence one hypothesis is rejected. The waste management system requires proper disposal planning, implementation of the plans for hazardous healthcare waste management and supervision of the practices being carried out. Other hospitals may also benefit from this study and may conduct their own waste management audit for ascertaining effectiveness of existing waste management practices. The study is equally useful for other hospitals of the healthcare industry.
Waste Generation/Collection and Segregation; Waste Handling and Storage; Waste Treatment and Disposal; Healthcare Waste Management
Zahid Z, Khan RA, Fahim S. Evaluation of Waste Management Practices at Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi, UAE. Ann Community Med Public Health. 2018; 1(1): 1001.