Ann Clin Toxicol | Volume 4, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Uchenna AG1,3, Anthony OF2, Kosi Ani N3, Ijeoma OF4 and Fredn OC5*
1Center for Environmental Management, University of Nigeria, Nigeria
2Stratech Laboratories, Nigeria
3Environmental and Human Resources Nigerian Ltd, Nigeria
4Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Molecular Biology Unit, University of Nigeria, Nigeria
5Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Nigeria, Nigeria
*Correspondance to: Otuu C Fredn,
Fulltext PDFBackground: Air, water and soil pollution of the 9th mile environment have been reported by several researchers. In this study we assessed foliar micro-structural deformation as indication of industrial pollution. Materials and Methods: Fresh leaf samples of four plants (Chromolaena odorata (L) King & Robinson, Ficus thonningii Blume, Urena lobata L, Crotalaria retusa L) were randomly collected from the Test Site (TS) and Control Site (CS). The samples were taken in quadruplet (An, Bn, Cn, Dn) 100 m along a transect, using a sharp kitchen knife to destalk mature leaves from the branches in morning hours. The fresh leaf samples were immediately taken to the Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology University of Nigeria, Nsukka for taxonomical identification. Foliar photomicrography was done by impression techniques following standard methods. Result: The foliar photomicrographs analysis revealed distorted micro structural arrangement, stomata and guard cell destruction in leaf samples from test site as compared to control samples. The study showed that foliar photomicrography could be used as an analytical tool in the environmental impact assessment, auditing, and evaluation of industrial pollution.
Foliar microstructure; Industrial pollution; Agricultural farmland; Environment
Uchenna AG, Anthony OF, Kosi Ani N, Ijeoma OF, Fredn OC. Foliar Micro- Structural Deformation of Four Plants in Selected Agricultural Farmlands at 9th Mile Industrial Area Enugu, Nigeria: Indication of Industrial Pollution. Ann Clin Toxicol. 2021; 4(1): 1035.