Ann Clin Otolaryngol | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access

Radioactive Iodine Therapy for Graves' Disease in Childhood and Adolescence: A Single-Center Saudi Experience

El Bez I*, Alsakran S, Tulbah R, Alghmlas F and Alharbi M

Department of Nuclear Medicine, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

*Correspondance to: Intidhar EL BEZ 

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Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the utility of radioiodine treatment for thyrotoxicosis in childhood and adolescence and to evaluate its outcomes. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective monocentric study of 15 patients (ages 7 to 18 years) with a diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis who received iodine-131 (I-131) treatment from January 2015 to July 2019 in the Nuclear Medicine department of King Fahd Medical city. The collected data of the patients included gender, age, previous Antithyroid Drug Treatment (ATD), thyroid technetium uptake, the dose of iodine 131 administrated and the number of radioiodine therapy, as well as the thyroid status at 6 months after treatment. Results: The study included 15 patients (100% female) treated with fixed dose of radioactive iodine. All children and adolescents underwent 99m technetium thyroid scan with uptake before the procedure. There was no case of associated unilateral or bilateral exophthalmia. Thyroid uptake value was calculated using Sodium Pertechnetate. The average of the treatment activity of iodine 131 was 340.4 MBq (247.9-555). There was no vomiting in all cases. Six months after treatment, 7/15 were euthyroid, and 8/15 were hypothyroid. There was no hyperthyroid. All the patients received single radioiodine treatment. Conclusion: The results of the present study redemonstrate the efficiency of the radioiodine treatment in childhood and adolescence and support the safe use of radioiodine in treating hyperthyroidism in this particular population. It is well suitable as a good second-line therapy for patients who fail to respond to ATD treatment. Although special treatment precautions may be required in this age group, the ease of administration, effectiveness and safety of radio dine 131 continue to make it more and more attractive for initial treatment of hyperthyroidism, especially when the appropriate treatment activity is prescribed.


Radioiodine treatment; Thyrotoxicosis; Children; Adolescence


El Bez I, Alsakran S, Tulbah R, Alghmlas F, Alharbi M. Radioactive Iodine Therapy for Graves ‘Disease in Childhood and Adolescence: A Single- Center Saudi Experience. Ann Clin Otolaryngol. 2020; 5(1): 1041.

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