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Volume 1, Issue 1

Ann Clin Hepatol. 2017;1(1):1004. | Editorial | Open Access
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Presentation of Hepatitis B and C Infections

Bogdan Ionescu

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Ann Clin Hepatol. 2017;1(1):1003. | Research Article | Open Access
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First Outbreak of Hepatitis A Associated with Sexual Transmission among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) in Puglia, South Italy, 2017

Daniela Loconsole, Anna Morea, Domenico Martinelli, Maria Giovanna Cappelli, Iulia Turiac, Rosa Prato and Maria Chironna

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Ann Clin Hepatol. 2017;1(1):1002. | Editorial | Open Access
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Liver Surgery, from Labor to Operating Theatre: How Far Can we Go?

Dimitroulis DA

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Ann Clin Hepatol. 2017;1(1):1001. | Short Communication | Open Access
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The Liver: Mirror of Health

Ferruccio Bonino

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