Ann Clin Anat | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Irene Cantarero Carmona1*, José Fernando Trebollé2, Juan Luis Blas Laina2, Daniel Milian García3, Margarita Sillero Jurado1 and M José Luesma Bartolomé4
1Department of Morphological Sciences, Anatomy Section, University of Cordoba, Spain
2Department of General Surgery and Digestive Diseases, Royo Villanova Hospital, Spain
3Department of General Surgery and Digestive Diseases, Miguel Servet University Hospital, Spain
4Department of Human Anatomy and Histology, University of Zaragoza, Spain
*Correspondance to: Irene Cantarero Carmona
Fulltext PDFTo present a case of a mesenteric cyst with focal acute inflammation and four lymph nodes with follicular lymphoid hyperplasia. A 20-year-old female patient, examined in emergency department for abdominal pain, 12 hours of evolution located in flank and left upper quadrant, with mild improvement after analgesic treatment, accompanied with mild fever. Left paramedial cystic formation measuring 4 cm in size with echogenic content inside is identified, being compatible with complicated mesenteric cyst. Exploratory laparoscopy treatment of emergency is proposed. The postoperative course was favourable remaining afebrile, no abdominal pain and good tolerance to oral intake, so it is hospital discharged within 72 h of surgery. The diagnosis was mesenteric cy
Carmona IC, Trebollé JF, Blas Laina JL, García DM, Jurado MS, Luesma Bartolomé MJ. Acute Abdominal Pain Caused by a Mesenteric Cyst in a 20 Years Old Female Patient. Ann Clin Anat. 2019;2(1):1006.