Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 6, Issue 4 | Case Report | Open Access
Ghislaine NT1*, Kone FI2, Guindo B2, Traore K1, Maiga B1, Soumaoro S2, Singare K2, Timbo SK2
and Keita MA2
1Department of ENT and Head and Neck, Municipality I Reference Health Center, Mali
2Department of ENT and Head and Neck, Gabriel Touré University Hospital, Mali
*Correspondance to: Ngniee Tafo Ghislaine N,
Fulltext PDFIntroduction: Nasopalatine cysts are the most common non-odontogenic cysts of the maxillae,
with a prevalence of around 1% in the general population. The age of discovery is between 40 and
60 years. The literature generally reports a male predilection, with a M/F sex ratio of up to 3:1. The
aim of our study was to discuss the diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of a cyst of the
palatine canal.
Observation: This was a male ENT patient presenting with endonasal swelling for one year, associated
with bilateral nasal obstruction, anteroposterior rhinorrhea and headache. On examination, we
noted a left endonasal swelling with deviation of the septum to the right, taking up the homolateral
hemiface with partial effacement of the nasolabial folds, painless both spontaneously and on
palpation. A CT scan of the nasal cavities and facial sinuses revealed an obstructive maxillo-palatal
process with bone lysis. Preoperative work up was normal. Surgical excision was performed one
month later under general anesthesia. Histological examination of the surgical specimen revealed a
remodeled epithelial cyst. Follow-up was straight forward, and the patient regained a symmetrical
face 3 months later.
Conclusion: The nasopalatine cyst is of embryonic origin. It must be differentiated from an
apicodental cyst. Diagnosis is based on radiology and histology. Treatment is surgical. Exeresis must
be complete to avoid recurrence. Recurrence may take more than 5 years. Long clinical follow-up
is essential.
Palatal cyst; Endonasal mass; Epithelial cyst
Ghislaine NT, Kone FI, Guindo B, Traore K, Maiga B, Soumaoro S, et al. Fistulized Palatine Duct Cyst: A Case Report. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023; 6(4)1238..