Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 5, Issue 7 | Research Article | Open Access
Seokhyun Kim, Young Chan Lee, Oh Eun Kwon and Young-Gyu Eun*
Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
*Correspondance to: Young-Gyu Eun,
Fulltext PDFObjective: Precedent studies about factors affecting voice therapy are limited. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors predicting the result of voice therapy in patients with vocal fold nodule and polyp. Materials and Method: Seventy-five patients who underwent voice therapy were included and divided to good response group and less responsive group on the basis of jitter change rate and shimmer change rate. Sex, age, occupation, duration of symptom, drinking alcohol, the smoking history, and intake of coffee were compared between two groups. Results: Of the 75 patients, 24 were in the good response group and 23 were in the less responsive group. Among seven factors, intake of coffee (odd ratio: 4.243) and duration of symptom (odd ratio 5.552) were significant risk factors for less response to voice therapy. Other factors, including sex, age, occupation, drinking alcohol, and the smoking history, did not significantly affect the responsiveness of voice therapy. Conclusion: We suggest that evaluation of duration of symptom and intake of coffee can aid in predicting the result of voice therapy in patients with dysphonia
Voice therapy; Voice disorders; Voice quality; Comparative study
Kim S, Lee YC, Kwon OE, Eun Y-G. Factors Predicting the Outcome of Voice Therapy in Patients with Polyp or Nodule. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022; 5(7): 1202.