Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 5, Issue 6 | Review Article | Open Access
Myjkowski Jan
Otolaryngology Clinic in Mielec, Poland
*Correspondance to: Myjkowski Jan
Fulltext PDFThe process of hearing is determined by physical, chemical and molecular mechanisms. Not all of them have been so far known and described. As an example, inertia in the middle and external ears may be taken. In the ear there is speed, acceleration and mass on the path of information transmission; hence, there is also the phenomenon of inertia. This phenomenon is described in the wave motion, too. Too little attention is devoted to the acoustic cell itself in relation to all transformations occurring in the cell, connected with the reception and processing of auditory information. The acoustic cell is also responsible for amplifying the signal on the path to the center. In the paper, attention was also paid to hearing nearby the threshold hearing and the reception of short sounds whose duration time lies under 1/10 ms. Described was the significance of the disappearance of the sound wave energy on the way from the external auditory meatus to the to the round window. Indicated were some doubts about the basilar membrane proper vibrations and its resonance potential. Attention was paid to the temporal inconsistency of the auditory response, especially, between the generation of the receptor potential and the time of the signal traveling through the cochlear fluids and the basilar membrane. It concerns, in particular, silent tones which need an amplification through OHC’s contractions. Described is the mechanism to explain how the sound wave energy acts upon the auditory receptor. Indicated was the lack of any description of the mechanism for the encoding of auditory information through numerous elements of the signal path to the center in the presence of so many energy transformations.
Acoustic cells, amplification, protein molecules, receptor, Stapedotomy; Ionic canals
Jan M. Remarks to the Theory of Hearing – A Traveling Wave. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022;5(6):1197.