Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Quesada-Cubo Víctor1*, García-Rejas Roberto A2, Ríos-Bravo Juan Luis3,4, Castro-Soto María del Rosario5,6, Dalenz-Cueto Gonzalo7, Diez Canseco-Ruiz Luis J8,9,10, Rivera-Gómez Erwing11, Hidalgo-Ugarte Alejandra12 and Gonzáles-Sáenz Julio13
1Independent Researcher, Spain/Bolivia
2Department of Oral Pathology, Postgraduate School of Dentistry, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia
3Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia
4Seguro Social Universitario, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia
5Clinical Hospital Viedma, Cochabamba, Bolivia
6Department of Postgraduate, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia
7National Oncology Institute-Caja Petrolera de Salud, Bolivia
8Department of Semiology, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia
9Department Hematology, Universidad Abierta Latinoamericana, Argentina
10Bolivian-Japanese Gastroenterological Institute, Cochabamba, Bolivia
11Caja de Salud de la Banca Privada, La Paz, Bolivia
12Vice-Ministry of Health Insurance and Single Health System Management, La Paz, Bolivia
13Department of Oral Surgery, Universidad Nacional Siglo XX- San Ignacio, Cochabamba, Bolivia
*Correspondance to: Quesada-Cubo VĂctor
Fulltext PDFBackground: The current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted various complications arising from the treatment and management of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. One of these pathologies is mucormycosis, an angioinvasive, destructive, rare and rapidly progressive fungal infection that mainly affects immunocompromised patients.
Case Report: The aim of this study is to present the multidisciplinary clinical/surgical management of the first case of mucormycosis associated with COVID-19 in Bolivia. The particularity lies in the fact that this is a patient with no risk factors or relevant history who, after being infected by SARSCoV- 2, presented nasal-palatal-sinus mucormycosis with a rapid and aggressive evolution, but with a successful outcome.
Conclusion: The pioneering experience carried out in this case has made it possible to develop multidisciplinary teams and comprehensive care protocols adapted to the context that will make it possible to replicate the assistance received in the event of new cases in Bolivia.
SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; Mucormycosis; Opportunistic fungal infections; Corticosteroids
Quesada-Cubo Víctor, García-Rejas Roberto A, Ríos-Bravo Juan Luis, Castro-Soto María del Rosario, Dalenz- Cueto G, Díez Canseco-Ruiz Luis J, et al. Early Multidisciplinary Management of the First Case of Post-COVID-19 Mucormycosis in Bolivia: A Case Report. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022; 5(1): 1172..