Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 4, Issue 5 | Review Article | Open Access
Guilherme Simas do Amaral Catani1*, Maria Eduarda Carvalho Catani2, Leticia Kinasz3, Icaro Almeida1, Victor Moreira1 and Larissa Molinari Madlum1
1Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
2UNIFEBE Medical School, Brazil
3UNICAMP, Brazil
*Correspondance to: Guilherme Simas do Amaral Catani
Fulltext PDFTranssexuality is a complex and permanent transposition in which the physical gender of birth is not recognized to be the right one by some individuals. For Trans women, voice function remains the main obstacle for them to find a new sexual identity, as, in contrast to trans men, hormone therapy does not significantly and lastingly alter the voice of these individuals. In this regard, there
are options for those who do not feel their original voice as representative of who they really are. Phonosurgical treatment enters the scene to try to soften the distance between the voice and the psychic individual. Some techniques developed by Isshiki, Wendler, Gross and Le Jeune allow raising the fundamental frequency by reducing the mass of the oscillating vocal folds, shortening the vocal folds or increasing the tension in the vocal folds. The options includes glotoplasty, type IV Thyroplasty and laryngoplasty and may be an excellent option that helps the integration into society and facilitate daily life of this group.
Transsexualism; Transgender women; Thyroplasty; Voice feminization; Glottoplasty
do Amaral Catani GS, Carvalho Catani ME, Kinasz L, Almeida I, Moreira V, Madlum LM. The Voice in Transsexual Women. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021; 4(5): 1139..