Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 4, Issue 5 | Research Article | Open Access
Mohamed R Ghonim*, Mohamed A Salem, Bassem Ashraf, Yousef K Shabana and Ahamed Hemdan
Department of Otolaryngology, Mansoura University, Egypt
*Correspondance to: Mohamed R Ghonim
Fulltext PDFObjective: To outline a surgical strategy, for anatomical reconstruction of traumatic Incudostapedial Joint Disarticulation (ISD) with intact Tympanic Membrane (TM), using ionomeric bone cement aiming for improving the stability and the functional outcomes of the procedure.
Materials and Methods: A prospective clinical study conducted on 37 ears (37 patients) operated upon for conductive hearing loss due to isolated ISD with intact TM following head trauma from 2011 to 2018. Air and bone conduction thresholds at frequencies 500 Hz to 4000 Hz, were determined pre- and postoperatively, with a minimal follow-up period of 12 months. Anatomical reconstruction of ISD using ionomeric bone was performed.
Results: The overall postoperative results were statistically significant, regarding the pure-tone average and the mean air bone gap (P value <0.001). The Air Bone Gap (ABG) closure within 10 dB was found in 31 ears (83.8%) and to within 20 dB in 33 ears (89.2%) and above 20 dB (mean 22 dB) in 4 ears 10.8%). No complications were noticed and no patient had an air-bone gape more than 30 dB. The cochlear function remained stable postoperatively, reflecting the safety and feasibility of this line of management.
Conclusion: The anatomical reconstruction of traumatic ISD using ionomeric bone cement is considered as satisfactory, safe and cost-effective technique.
Ossiculoplasty-Traumatic Conductive Hearing Loss- Incudo-Stapedial Disarticulation (ISD); Bone Cement
Ghonim MR, Salem MA, Ashraf B, Shabana YK, Hemdan A. Traumatic Incudostapedial Disarticulation: Anatomical Reconstruction Using Ionomeric Bone Cement. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021; 4(5): 1137..