Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 4, Issue 3 | Case Series | Open Access
Rohan Bidaye*, Ashraf Mahmood, Sam Arman and Huw Griffiths
Department of ENT, Head Neck Surgery, University Hospitals Birmingham, UK
*Correspondance to: Rohan Bidaye
Fulltext PDFHeterotopic Salivary Gland Tissue (HSGT) of the larynx is an extremely rare pathology, with only 8 cases reported in English literature. We are reporting 2 cases of HSGT in the larynx which we encountered in our practice. The first one is a unique presentation of a 45 year old female with HSGT in bilateral false vocal cords. While the second case is 50-year-old male patient with HSGT in the left false vocal cord and subglottic region. With these 2 cases, we would be discussing about the clinical presentation of this rare anomaly and add to the literature.
Bidaye R, Mahmood A, Arman S, Griffiths H. Heterotopic Salivary Gland Tissue in the Larynx. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021; 4(3): 1129..