Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 4, Issue 3 | Research Article | Open Access
Rim Zainine
Department of ENT, La Rabta Hospital, Tunisia
*Correspondance to: Rim Zainine*
Fulltext PDFIntroduction: Minor malformations of the middle ear are abnormalities that almost exclusively involve the middle ear and ossicles, while the external ear is normal. Objectives:To report the clinical and radiological features of this disease, describe the therapeutic management and evaluate treatment outcomes. Material and Methods:Retrospective study on 17 patients (20 ears) with a minor malformation of the middle ear, treated between 1992 and 2010. Results:The mean age of the patients of this series was 32 years. According to the classification proposed by Teunissen and Cremers, these malformations were classified as Type I in 5 cases, IIa in 5 cases, IIb in 1 case, IIIa in 4 cases, IIIb in 2 cases, IVa in 2 cases and IVb in 1 case. Sixteen patients underwent exploration of the tympanic cavity with a successful surgical result in 9 cases. Conclusion:The treatment of minor malformations of the middle ear is surgical and management depends on whether the stapes footplate is mobile or fixed.
Malformations; Middle ear; Surgery
Zainine R. Minor Malformations of the Middle Ear. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021; 4(3): 1127..