Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 4, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Hulya Gocmenler*, Ayca Ciprut and Stavros Hatzopoulos
1Department of Audiology, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey
2Department of Audiology, Marmara University, Turkey
3Clinic of Audiology & ENT, University of Ferrara, Italy
*Correspondance to: Hulya Gocmenler
Fulltext PDFAim: There are two aims of this study:
1. Analyzing of auditory behavioral and electrophysiological speech responses of young implanted
2. Association between behavioral and electrophysiological responses of people with cochlear
Method: Twenty one subjects of both genders (13 male and 8 female), aged from 18 to 30 years (mean age 24.71 ± 3.92) were enrolled in this study. These participants used unilateral cochlear implant for at least 5 years. Fifteen participants had prelingual, 6 had postlingual deafness. They all used oral language for communication. For the quantitative measurement, event related P300
potentials were used to assess speech perception of 21 unilaterally implanted users in silent and noise conditions. The P300 responses were measured with speech stimuli at 70 dBnHL in silent and noisy conditions and the latencies of P300 waves were analyzed. For the matrix test, the speech discrimination scores of the participants were estimated in noisy conditions.
Results: The quantitative based results showed that P300 responses were observed in 10 out of the 20 CI users in silent condition, but in 5 of these patients the P300 responses disappeared when tested in noise. In the quiet condition, 50% of the respondents had received a P300 response in the noisy environment, while 50% of the respondents did not have it. No statistical differences were observed for P300 latencies of participants in silent and noise conditions (p=0.0603). Also, no significant correlation were found between the P300 responses of the cochlear implant users and their Matrix test scores for both test conditions (p=0.391 and p=0.188).
Conclusion: Objective methods can be used to evaluate auditory discrimination. Objective electrophysiological methods such as P3 wave have been widely used in cochlear-implant users, highlighting the difficulties subjects experience in perceiving speech in noise. Even with good educational level of implanted people, their speech understanding ability was not enough. Implanted people have difficulty for both speech perception and discrimination ability for both quiet and noisy conditions.
Unilateral cochlear implant; Speech discrimination; Auditory evoked potentials; P300
Gocmenler H, Ciprut A, Hatzopoulos S. Association between Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measurement of Young Implanted Recipients on their Speech Processing. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021; 4(1): 1119..