Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 3, Issue 7 | Case Series | Open Access
Vaishnavi B, Vani Padmasri M, Lakshmi Sowmya CS and Sudarshan Reddy L
Department of ENT, Government Medical College, India
*Correspondance to: Sudarshan Reddy L
Fulltext PDFObjective: To publish this rare case of Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma in a 24year old adult male with no epistaxis.
Methods: A 24 year old male presenting with left sided nasal obstruction since 9 months without epistaxis was evaluated thoroughly by clinical examination, hematological, radiological and histopathological evaluation.
Results: Clinical examination revealed a smooth pinkish globular mass in left nasal cavity; Hematological investigations were within normal limits. Radiological evaluation with contrast enhanced CT showed significantly enhancing globular mass with lobulated margins extending from pterygopalatine fossa in to left nasal cavity. Patient was managed surgically with transnasal endoscopic excision of the tumor. Histopathological examination showed pseudostratified columnar epithelium with multiple vascular areas of varying sizes and loose fibro collagenous tissue containing stellate cells and mast cells in subepithelium. With all the above evaluations, diagnosis was concluded as juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma.
Conclusion: It is an unusual presentation of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma in an adult with 9 months history of nasal obstruction without epistaxis.
Reshma B, Sudarshan Reddy L. Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma - A Case Report. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020; 3(7): 1113..